Sunday, August 30, 2015

Exposed! The myths, the lies and the real science to making money anywhere (with the internet)

Do I need a college degree to make good money in today's world?
1.  Affiliate
In  this  category  I  also  include  models  such  as AdSense  and  Cost  Per Acquisition (CPA). They’re all the same whereby you are creating traffic for someone else and either paid per click, per lead or per sale.

The  fewer  variables  that  you  can  have  in  an  equation,  the  more sustainable and passive your business can be (and the less chance there is for failure).

Being an affiliate for somebody else’s product can be a great way to get started with minimal setup. However, you are at their mercy.

2.  Service Provider
Being  a  service  provider  could  be  anything  from  offering  hosting,  to providing copywriting or SEO services.

Being a service provider can create great value for your customers and produce  some  excellent  long-term  income.  However,  it  does  require long-term maintenance.

3.  Product Owner
The other option is to own and market your own product. It’s true that product creation is the best way to create sustainable income that’s more likely to last in the long-term.

This  is  because  you  can  control  the  variables  much  better  and  you’re usually not reliant on any third party.

You can control your product, the sales process, payment, delivery and your own terms of service.

Even if you are totally new to Internet Marketing you can create your own product.

As a product owner you build a list of buyers, build authority and create credibility.  You  also  have  sales  funnels,  autoresponders  and  mailing lists.

Failure is the First Step to Success  
Every  successful  person  you  meet,  hear  or  read  about  has  failed,  without exception (and not just once either).

Often the best learning comes from experiencing firsthand what not to do. You cannot follow someone else’s path to success exactly; we each have our own personal variation.

Don’t be afraid to experience things firsthand. Unfortunately many people who fall over, complain loudly to everyone about their ‘bad luck’. Worse still they stay put where they’ve fallen and don’t get up. Imagine if we had done this as children learning to talk, walk or talk—where would we be today?

Every  successful  person  has  fallen,  and  every  single  one  has  gotten  up  and continued walking.

When you experience failure, pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and then just keep on going.

Forward Thinking Will Make You More Money 
Before  you  get  started  on  your  online  business  it’s  helpful  to  sit  back  and consider what exactly you want to achieve, and why.

It’s wise not to rush in eager without some form of preparation. Instead position and plan your business from the very beginning.

Most people don’t do this; and then, most fail. Be honest with yourself and your goals. What  would  you  really  like  to  achieve? What  outcome  would  you  like  your business to have?

As  well  as  setting  yourself  up  for  profit  you  have  to  be  aware  of  your weaknesses. What are the main challenges that will impact your profitability and your journey getting there?

How to Identify a Want or a Need
Use Google’s keyword search tool:

Type in your niche directly into the keyword tool to find out if there is a potential demand  for  it.  See  how  many  people  are  searching  for  your  key  phrase,  for example ‘poodle grooming’ (or similar related phrases).

In an ideal world you would have a high search volume and low competition. Just be careful though as this could mean that a keyword or niche is simply not profitable. Competition is not necessarily a bad thing.

The Bones of Your Online Business
It annoys me when I read about the lies, deceit and misconceptions I see about creating an online business, or taking a business online.

Marketing your digital product online is easier than you think.

There  are  three  things  you  have  to  do.  1.  Build  a  product.  2.  Build  a  list  of devoted customers around your specialist niche. 3. Then develop a relationship with the people once they’re on your list.

As more people like and trust you, the more easily you will be able to sell your products. Then, the more willing they will be to buy your future products.

Broad or Targeted Niche?
A niche is an area, subject or topic you build your product around. You can have broad or targeted niches.

1.  Broad Niche
An example of a broad niche would be weight loss. Although broad niches catch a wide net of people, it can be hard to get noticed among the crowd.

You have the potential to attract a lot of people, but you will probably be  up  against  a  lot  more  competition. Also,  conversions  will  be  lower because of either the lack of focus, or the range of choices available to the consumer.

2.  Targeted Niche
An example of a targeted niche would be weight loss for female teens. Another even more targeted niche would be weight loss for female Asian teens who suffer from diabetes.

Although in narrow niches there are fewer customers, they are easier to target because they’re searching for something specific.

A customer going to Google searching for a weight-loss solution may end up landing on ‘weight loss for female teens’. This may or may not be a good match.

However,  if  someone  types  into  Google  ‘weight  loss  for  female  teens’ and  lands  on  ‘weight  loss  for  female  teens’  this  is  going  to  be  a  great match, because you’re solving their specific problem.

Even though the content may be identical, people feel it applies to them more when you have narrowed your focus and talk directly to them.

By focusing on narrower niches you increase your chance of being found (by reducing competition), and increase your chance of a sale (because people like to buy what is the closest match to them).

Your Financial Success Depends on Your Team 
No matter the type of business model you follow, if you don’t have a team you’ll run into trouble. Maybe not immediately. But sooner than you think.

Without a strong team behind you, your business will either never get off the ground, or it will die a quick death.

Too many internet marketers overwork themselves and struggle too much on their own. And every single marketer I know who has succeeded has done so with the help of others.

Perhaps  you  don’t  have  the  money  to  hire  staff?  (Not  a  valid  excuse.)  Or perhaps the entrepreneur in you wants to do everything your way? (One of the hardest things to overcome for many of us, especially me.)

If you don’t already have a team, now is the time to create one.

Anyone  who  has  enjoyed  serious  success  will  tell  you  the  same  thing—that they couldn’t achieve their wealth, or success, without a helping hand. This is true for musicians, movie stars, sports professionals and business men.

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